Neighborhood Beautification & Revitalization
Community Engagement & Service
Gardening & Healthy Food Choices
Leadership Development
Youth Enrichment

Youth & Young Adult

Neighborhood Beautification

Community Service

& Health
NHCCA Service Areas
The NHCCA service areas include 1st & 2nd wards in Youngstown, Ohio!
Our ward representatives are Councilmen Julius T. Oliver (1st Ward) & Jimmy Hughes (2nd Ward).
Learn More: https://youngstownohio.gov/city_council
For over forty years, NHCCA has cultivated, landscaped, and maintained a variety of green spaces within our service area, the 1st & 2nd Wards. From routine litter control to monthly clean-ups, our community partners and volunteers dedicate their time and skills to improving the beautification of our neighborhoods.
Through our monthly meetings and social media outlets, NHCCA provides information to our members and the community at large concerning events of interest, importance, engagement, and entertainment around town. Our goal is to assist in the social development of youth & encourage residents to become effective, involved, and positively impactful leaders and participants in the community.
Utilizing Master Gardening skills, we strive to be a relevant resource for training community residents and program participants in the cultivation of thriving gardens that produce the optimum environment for flowering plants and locally-grown foods.
Our Youth Core Employment Program teaches soft
skills and provides on-the-job training for youth and young adults to prepare them for success in the job market or higher education. Youth/ Young Adult Grounds Keeping & Landscaping Technicians, “Youth Techs” can take the skills obtained from this program and apply them to full-time employment, specific trades, academics, and entrepreneurship.
NHCCA membership is not only for homeowners. Community residents are very important to any community organization and NHCCA welcomes ALL residents of the Northeast side of Ohio who want to see and make a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE in our neighborhoods - CONCERNED CITIZENS - it's in our name!
What are YOUR concerns about your neighborhood?
What is most important to YOU at this moment in your life?
Do YOU have positive solutions to the negative things you see
happening in your community ?
What are YOU willing to do to see the changes you want to see?
How can YOU help make an impact in your neighborhood?
Join NHCCA and attend our monthly meetings/forums open to citizens to express their concerns. Bring your ideas on how to resolve some of the issues facing our communities to the table.
The Northeast Homeowners & Concerned Citizens Association
monthly meetings are open to the public.
DATE & TIME: Every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6:00 - 7:30 PM*
LOCATION: McGuffey Centre
1649 Jacobs Road, Youngstown, OH 44505
Become a NHCCA Member Today!
*No meetings held in February and July